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BTW Pastoral Care

Beyond the Whirlwind

In the midst of life's trials is the opportunity to grow. BTW Pastoral Care offers Christ-centred perspective, guidance and a listening ear to aid you in finding the narrow path which leads to life.

Noarlunga South Australia

Learn More About Me

Mel Paddick -

Pastoral Carer and Fitness Professional

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Having grown up in a Christian community, God has led me boldly and compassionately through life's ups and downs.
My studies include a degree in Ministry through the ACT (Australian College of Theology), with an emphasis on counselling and chaplaincy, Conflict Resolution under AOC (Australian Online Courses), Christian Mentoring (Dr A. Klose), alongside being a registered Gym Instructor with AusActive Australia.
While Mentoring and Discipleship may take many forms throughout our lives, occurring both formally and informally, their role is to help one another stand in the awesome wonder of God, even in the midst of suffering.
I believe Pastoral Care and Physical Health Support are holistically vital to our personal growth and while I fall short of perfection, I am profoundly committed to the Christian journey both for myself and others. It is my privilege to stand in the gap, offering spiritual, emotional and physical support in your time of need.

Christian Booklet

"Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.
Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come."

Psalms 71:17-18

Spiritual and Emotional Support

A Ministry of Presence, Patience and Perspective

We all experience mental anguish at times. Pastoral Care offers compassionate Christ-centred support and guidance to help you when you need it most. Whether you're a believer or not, turmoil will invariably arise when you least expect it. If this is your present, why not reach out now to see what lies beyond the whirlwind of your life?

Wedding Decorations

Prepare Enrich Facilitation

Prepare Enrich questionnaire guides you to a stronger relationship.

You will receive personalised results, providing insights that will put you on a path toward life-long relationship growth.

Research has shown that the simple act of investing in this program improves relationship satisfaction.

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Committed to the Journey

Personal growth is the aim of mentoring. Refusing to stay in the same place, overcoming fear and not living with regret. Letting go of shame and daring to be who God qualifies you to be, are intrinsic to the mentoring program.
The content of Christian mentoring involves all aspects of life, eg., internal, family, work and social. Other practical issues such as sleep, exercise and relaxation play an important role in the mentoring sessions.
If you're ready to let go and grow, get in touch today.

Physical Health Support

Movement to Increase Health

Finding the link between our Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Health is an area I'm passionate about. When our physical health is suffering, it directly affects our spiritual and emotional state. Likewise, when our emotions are stretched or our faith is feeling crushed, our physical health suffers too.

If you're feeling unbalanced and desire a holistic approach to life, contact me today.

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Growing Closer to Jesus

At the point of committing your life to Christ, it is standard practice to participate in a discipleship course to learn the basics about God and his redemptive story. What then?
Do you desire to know more; to foster a deep relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but simply not know where to start?
Call now for a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are your fees?

Initial consultation for all aspects of Pastoral Care is $80. During this session, a prescribed program and fees will be discussed. 

  • Please note that a minimal travel fee may apply.

How long does discipleship or mentoring go for?

After initial consultation, I request clients to commit to 1 session per month for 6 months. This allows you time to process what we cover in the session, to apply and explore content and to return with any questions or responses since our last meeting.

Do I need to prepare for our first meeting?

Apart from supplying relevant contact details and an outline of your needs, nothing else is needed beforehand.

Where do we meet?

My place, your place or somewhere in between. This is dependent upon your circumstances, e.g., time availability, location, etc.

  • Please note that a minimal travel fee may apply.



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